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Vladimir Mukhin, Moscow, Russia, Peccatte Model, circa 2000's

*SOLD or NO LONGER AVAILABLE * Listing for archive purposes only. See violin bows tab for current inventory listings.

Silver mounted octagonal violin bow made by Vladimir Mukhin 2000s, 61 grams in a Peccatte inspired model.

Vladimir was born in 1966 in Tschelyabinsk, in the Ural region of Russia, and started to play the violin. In 1986 he graduated and finished a Music College in Ural and became interested in the making of stringed instruments, especially bows. In 1993 he won a position in the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra. Vladimir was then invited to the Ural Conservatoire in 1995 as a violin restorer and began a workshop there.

From 2000 to 2006 Vladimir refined his practical training at a workshop of Andreas Kaegi in Berlin. After that he had an apprenticeship with Gregor Walbrodt in Berlin. With his skills honed, Vladimir then set-up his own workshop in Moscow.

He took part in the Tschaikovsky competition in 2007, and won a silver medal. 

In 2010 Mukhin got a Certificate of Merit of the “Violin Society of America” competition for violin and viola bows.

2014 was a special year in which Vladimir was awarded the following awards:

- Mittenwald Competition: Bronze Medal Violin Bow

- 4 Prizes at the Violoncelle en Seine Competition in Paris :

- 3 Coup de Coeur (J.F. Raffin, Josef P. Gabriel and Tim Baker)  & Coup de Coeur Public

Vladimir has also exhibited at some of the most prestigious exhibitions in Europe, including: Singer-Polignac 2019, Cuveé Darling thrice in Germany and twice in Cremona, Paris Salon Du Violon twice

His exquisite bows are in demand to musicians and collectors in Europe, Usa, and Russia.

Vladimir Mukhin, Moscow, Russia, Peccatte Model, circa 2000's

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