Set of 4 String Beans for Violin, Viola, and Cello, with optional required installation needle Features: The functionality of String Bean is physical. Instruments revert to their previous sound after removal. Eco-friendly. Do not generate noise to contaminate the total sound output. Please go to FAQ for more details. Increases body vibrations that enhance tonal colors. They train instruments to vibrate in a remarkable way that enriches the tone of instruments. Reduces noise and purifies tone. Tone projection can be enhanced significantly by helping instruments make a purer tone. These two features combined are the Holy Grail for the enhancement of the sound projection. String Beans are suitable for violins, violas, and cellos of all ages and sizes. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Bay Fine Strings truly believes in this innovative new product that it help your music making by offering a full refund minus shipping to clients if shipped back to us within the first 7 days of receipt. Change out used String Beans when changing used strings to new String Beans and new Strings for optimal sound. Please go to the String Bean page for more details. PATENT PENDING United States of America 16/822.445 SPECIFICATIONS: ball shape, 12 mm diameter, less than 0.2 g per bean, PU Installation Needle: A stainless steel blunt pin with gold plated coating. Safe but sharp enough to pierce through the String Bean® for strings. Pin hole is big enough for string ends to hold the string in place while threading string through the bean during installation. Needle Details: 67.45 mm, Hole 1.4 mm, 1 gram, Stainless steel. WARNING String Bean for strings are not edible. Keep away from very young children to avoid accidental ingestion. Please use the installation needle carefully to avoid injury. A violin shop professional, musicians that know how to change strings, or individuals and parents that carefully review the installation tutorials should handle installations.
String Bean® Set of 4 for Violin, Viola, & Cello
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