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Amedee Dieudonne early 20th c. Mirecourt, France

LOB 358mm, near mint condition, no cracks, with original bridge, Dieudonne made this violin for Charles Claudot and labeled Claudot.


Son of Albert DIEUDONNÉ, a violin maker, Amédée DIEUDONNE started his apprenticeship at the age of fourteen under Gustave BAZIN. He left BAZIN’s workshop at nineteen to join DARCHE’s workshop in Brussels. In 1910 he joined GERMAIN’s workshop in Paris for few months before returning to Brussels.

DIEUDONNE established his own workshop in Mirecourt in 1920 on Rue G. Clemenceau with three craftsmen. 
In 1939 he moved to 5, Rue Canon and in 1945 to 5, place Thierry.
A. DIEUDONNÉ ended his activity definitively in 1957.

DIEUDONNE’s workshop was generally composed of two or three craftsmen and two apprentices. During his professional life he trained twenty apprentices among whom there were several very good craftsman he eventually employed: 
- BAZIN René.
- CLAUDOT Pierre.
- EULRY Jean, from 1923 to 1956
- GUINOT Eugène.
- MAUCOTEL Eugène , from 1927 to 1932
- THOMASSIN Marcel, from 1921 to 1956 
- VOIRIN Marcel.

- Etienne VATELOT, Bernard MILLANT, René QUENOIL, - Bill MOENNING and René MOREL are among other makers who served a part of their apprenticeship in DIEUDONNE’s workshop.

Collaboration with Charles Enel
During the 1920’s DIEUDONNE furnished the well-known Parisian maker, Charles ENEL, with fine violins made in his workshop. These instruments, although slightly different from his average production, bear the typical features of DIEUDONNE’s work and were crafted with particular attention. They were labelled as follows: « Fait par A Dieudonné Fils luthier. Revu et mis au point par Ch Enel à Paris 19.. »

Labels and Brands
Instruments produced in DIEUDONNÉ'S workshop bear a label.
Beside the label, which can be signed or not, instruments made by Amédée DIEUDONNÉ are signed and dated, generally in blue-purple ink, to the inside back and top.

Among others, one can find his production under the labels of :
- CLAUDOT Charles
- DELOGET Marcel
- HEL Pierre 
- NADEGINI Leonidas
- POUZOL Emile 
- SCHMIDT Lucien 
- VAUTRIN Pol-Amati

or trade names such as AVENIO inside his instruments.


Music World
A violinist himself, DIEUDONNE was involved in the music world of his time. He played and conducted an orchestra in Mirecourt for several years, which included the violinist Louis JEANDEL, chairman of AUBERT Bridges. DIEUDONNE’s workshop furnished many of the violin makers and dealers of his time with instruments.

Amedee Dieudonne early 20th c. Mirecourt, France

SKU: 0130
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