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Niall Flemming, Kilkenny, Ireland 2018

61.5 grams, Gold mounted, part of a quartet commissioned for the British Violin Making Association exhibition and Bay Fine Strings in 2018.


Born in Australia in 1987 into an Irish family, Niall started to be interested in making violins at the age of 16. He then went on to complete the violin-making course in Newark, Nottinghamshire, UK in 2010. Whilst in his final year, Niall worked part time in Stringers violin shop in London and it was here that he started working on bows. After finishing at Newark, Niall joined Maison Bernard in Brussels serving an apprenticeship with Pierre Guillaume. Recently he worked with renowned maker Noel Burke in Carlow and has opened a workshop in Kilkenny city, Ireland. He specializes in new making in the French style and the repair and restoration of bows for the quartet.

2018 VSA certificate of merit for violin bow

2018 VSA certificate of merit for cello bow

Niall Flemming, Kilkenny, Ireland 2018

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